Nockout52 – a new game from the inventors of Match52, bet at which “round” the number of the card will be exactly at its position…. Or will we have a knockout and no card will come out on its specific position.
DPT Client –
We added a new button “EXP” located above the both button, double clicking it will lock the cards exposed until the end of the hand.
When exposing the card you have an option to expose one at a time or both of them. Player can set his preference in the menu under “Exp both” or “Exp half”
We added a 4th betting view, where you can set your bet by chips or numbers (combined), the cards are smaller and if you use a tablet the size of the community cards is bigger. Every device now will remember the view settings even when closing the app.
New icon for the app – Apple demanded we change the icon as its similar to other icons on the app store.
Management –
“Run it twice” – now when playing Texas Holdem, the manager can set the game at before the flop, turn or river for “Run it twice”.
“Rabbit hunt” – At the end of the hand if some of the cards did not come out, the manager can press “Rabbit hunt” and the table will expose what would have been the flop, turn & river.
“Options à Reset all table à Shuffle” – If a player request to “wash” the cards they will be shuffled on the table.
We added in the “WEB MNG” area, few new features.
“Groups” – you can store a list of names and load them into the table sits.
“Transfers” – You can transfer chips between players, swap sits between players, shuffle all sits for all players, kill a hand and return all chips to beginning of the hand, move the dealer button to wherever you want, you can enable “staddle” for players (they need to set there preference in the menu).
“Transfers” – We added the “move dealer button” section (can be done only when not in a hand)
“Transfers” – “Kill a hand” – this will end a hand and return all chips back to players.
Table viewer –
We added a new table view “View table extended” – the community cards are bigger.